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We’re hiring!

The GRACE and End Child Poverty California team is hiring a Senior Policy Associate to support our advocacy and education efforts in Sacramento and across California. We’re looking for a combination of the following: The full job listing is attached as a PDF at the bottom of this post. If this sounds like the job… Read More »

IMAGINE 2024: Priorities to End Child Poverty

The End Child Poverty CA Coalition urges the Legislature to reject cuts that harm California’s most vulnerable communities. Instead, we urge leaders to support revenues and investments that will lift all children and families out of poverty. Our 170+ End Child Poverty CA partners and allies are stronger than ever in 2024! We IMAGINE a future… Read More »

California Still Has The Highest Child & Family Poverty Rate of Any State

Bold revenues and investments are long overdue The U.S. Census Bureau recently released data from 2023 on poverty, income, and health from its Current Population Survey. The data confirmed what we unfortunately had anticipated: California still leads the nation in having the highest poverty rate, and poverty continues to rise given that several successful interventions… Read More »

All Pull Together

The second in a recurring column from GRACE & ECPCA’s President & CEO, Shimica Gaskins August 5, 2024 When I first encounter the long, hot days of summer, I’m reminded of my time at Children’s Defense Fund-California, where I had the privilege of supporting CDF Freedom Schools sites across the state. CDF Freedom Schools gather… Read More »

Forward Together Rally, Rally for a Fair Budget, Select Committee on Poverty Strengthen Coalition Advocacy

The 2024-25 state budget agreement prioritizes proven safety net programs that provide cash, child care, food, health care, and other supportive services, even in the face of a budget shortfall. Our support for the state budget is bolstered by the hard work and advocacy of our End Child Poverty California Coalition. Our IMAGINE Forward Together… Read More »

RELEASE: California’s Final Budget Protects the Safety Net; ECPCA Coalition Commits to Further Advocacy

GRACE & the End Child Poverty CA Coalition Look Forward to Adoption of a Final State Budget that Protects the Safety Net; Urge Continued Action to Ensure the Revenues Needed to End Child Poverty in California Are Achieved [Pasadena, Calif.] – Statement attributable to Shimica Gaskins, President & CEO, GRACE & End Child Poverty California… Read More »

What Does California Value?

The first in a planned monthly column from GRACE & ECPCA’s President & CEO, Shimica Gaskins June 7, 2024 During tough times, families have choices to make. Two big questions loom: where might we cut back, and what can we do to get more income? Importantly, they ask those questions through the lens of what… Read More »

RELEASE: GRACE & End Child Poverty California Applauds Legislature’s Budget Agreement

GRACE/End Child Poverty CA Urges Adoption of Legislature’s Budget Which Protects Progress in Core Safety Net Programs and Services [PASADENA, CALIF., UNITED STATES, May 30, 2024] — Statement attributable to Shimica Gaskins, President & CEO, GRACE & End Child Poverty California (ECPCA): Yesterday, California legislative leaders announced their joint Legislative budget agreement, marking a crucial… Read More »

RELEASE: Governor and Legislature Must Adopt Final California Budget that Prevents Harm To Children and Families

May 10, 2024, Pasadena, Calif. “This is the year in which California can and must put our values to the test, prioritizing above all else the most vulnerable children and families. We look forward to working with the Legislature and Governor to achieve a budget with no cuts to children and families experiencing poverty.”  Shimica… Read More »

Hands Off! No Cuts! No Delays! IMAGINE 2024 Rally is Happening Next Week 5/15!

On Wednesday, May 15th, End Child Poverty California and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California will be co-hosting the 2024 IMAGINE Rally at the State Capitol. We are gathering to stop the CalWORKs double cut, fulfill child care rate reform and slots, ensure foster youth are stable and secure, protect the workers who provide… Read More »

RELEASE: Chairs Thompson and Stabenow Introduce Farm Bill Frameworks

[PASADENA, CALIF., UNITED STATES, May 2, 2024] — CAFB and GRACE/End Child Poverty Urge California Members to reject cuts and Instead Strengthen SNAP This week, House and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairs Rep. Thompson and Sen. Stabenow released starkly different frameworks outlining their vision for the next Farm Bill. While Sen. Stabenow’s plan lays out a… Read More »