5 Articles to Get Smart on Poverty
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Poverty is complex and and the path forward may not always seem clear or direct. We hear from a lot of people that the issue is overwhelming. As a result, they disengage.
We’ve put together a list of articles to help you get smart about child poverty. The truth is it’s not that complicated, and after you learn more about it, you’ll see that real solutions are everywhere.
Happy reading!
The Way to Beat Poverty | The New York Times discusses the importance of intervening early and addressing the opportunity gap in America.
What Poverty Does to the Young Brain | The New Yorker dives into the physiological effects that poverty has on children’s brains.
Child Poverty in the United States Today | The Academic Pediatric Association provides an overview of child poverty in the United States today.
The Safety Net Is Crucial for Kids | US News & World Report outlines the importance of the safety net and how government programs like tax credits and SNAP are proven to lower childhood poverty rates.
How Poverty Can Follow Children Into Adulthood | Frontline dives into the long-term effects of poverty for children and how it leads to negative outcomes in adulthood.
Poverty as a Childhood Disease | The New York Times discusses poverty as an underlying threat to health and development.